
3 Items

Gumboro Disease(Infectious Bursal Disease))


Symptoms and Lesions The severity of symptoms and lesions as the main causes of weakness in chickens depends on the virulence of the infected virus, the type of bird (egg or meat ) and the immune status of the infected bird. Two separate clinical tables are monitored: Acute clinical IBD Subclinical IBD 1. Acute clinical […]

Poultry equipment

We will try to help you by aggregating the content that can help you when you set up your cluster. What do we have to pay attention to when we’re building our cluster? How is poultry cleaning done? What are the security considerations in the cluster? How to protect our cluster from pests and such […]

Tavuklar Hakkında Güncel Haberler - Dünyadaki Tüm Tavuk Irkları - Tavuklarda Görülen Hastalıklar - Tavuk Kümeslerinde Olması Gerekenler - Kuluçka Makinası Yaparken Gerekli Olanlar - Site Linkleri Sayfası -Satılık Süs Tavuğu Yumurtası ve Civcivi