Brachel chickens were heavily fed at Nederbraekel settlement in the Belgian Flander region. In the records, there is information about the rights in the 1400s and it is known in the old times in this region.
It is also in the category of middle-class chickens, which is fed for the egg. Egg color is white. There is an annual egg capacity of 150-200 eggs. He doesn’t have a problem with being a Gurk and looking at chicks. There are two common types of brachel chickens with axes. Silver barred brachel and Gold barred brachel. These two jinks have dwarf chickens we call them. The spindle speed of brachel Rooster ranges from about 3 kg to 3.5 kg. Brachel chickens are between 2.5 kg and 3 kg.
Brakel and it is a rare species from the brink of extinction in the last century has returned. After the founding of the brachel club in 1898, this type, which was once known well, became silicate after the Second World War. As of 1971, only two chickens, two rooster and a dozen eggs were found. They are fantastically animated from these small figures and are already quite popular in Belgium. Additional color variations have been developed, including the highly attractive Citroen (lemon yellow) and Chamois (Kirchilli).
Appearance and Temperament
It is quite similar to the Campine, but heavier and weighs around 3.2 kg. It has a deeper shape than the chunky Campine, and has a dense tail and neck hair.
It is very attractive to color stripes in the cross-direction of each feather. This is caused by someone to appear to have drawn rings around the bird.
Brachel’s eyes should be as dark as possible. There are symmetrical, middle-sized oval ears, faint blue legs. Men’s neck hair should have a clean, spotless color. It does not tend to be too chunky and is a reasonable-sized white egg Hatcher. If the appropriate herd can be found, this overhead should not pose a problem for such inexperienced.