
1120 of 31 Öğe

Detailed Information About Cochin Kosher Hens

Cochin is the most human chicken and the largest chicken. 19. It was brought from China to the European continent at the end of a century. He was sent to America with his interest in Europe. The neck and leg parts of Cochin are very hairy.The chickens are cream-colored and medium-sized eggs.The weight of his […]

Detailed Information About Carlisle Old English Game Hens

After the Romans invaded England, Julius Caesar sent the game chicken to England for fun, according to the Legends of the city, as the name of the Carlisle Old English game hens. The British also had to fight for fun, not for Carlisle Old English game meat or eggs. He was very interested and became […]

Extensive Information About Campine Chickens

Campine chickens are named after the Campine region in the north of Belgium. The Belgian national chicken. Campine hens are known as Kempisch Hoen hens in the Netherlands. His arrival to the present day Campine chickens are a chicken with smaller sizes than Braekel’s chickens. It weighs about 1.5 kg less. In the cities of […]

Extensive Information About Brakel Chickens

Brachel chickens were heavily fed at Nederbraekel settlement in the Belgian Flander region. In the records, there is information about the rights in the 1400s and it is known in the old times in this region. It is also in the category of middle-class chickens, which is fed for the egg. Egg color is white. […]

Information on documentary Bantams hens

Belgian Bantams chickens are one of the oldest known breeds of dwarf chickens. In Britain, Barbu d’anvers, Barbu d’uccle, Barbu De Watermael, Barbu d’everberg and Barbu were developed from grupbe chickens. Their ancestral Barbu hens. In 1911, poultry enthusiasts from Belgium to England attracted a lot of attention and led to the emergence of Documentian […]

Extensive information about Autosexing breeds hens

One of the most common features of Autosexing chickens is the ability to determine the sex of chicks from feathers. Professor R. C. Punnett and Mr M. S. In his experimental studies at Pease Cambridge, he thought that the main characteristics of the chicken were gold (brown) color. In addition, chicks Autosexing, the female body […]

Properties of Australorp chickens

Australorp is considered to be an Australian breed of chicken. During the development stage, it was developed by taking the principle of chicken which will give the best egg yield in the world. In 1920, he broke the world record for experiments in Australorp chickens. After this year, he has managed to make quite a […]

All Information About Araucanas Chicken

All Information About Araucanas Chicken – Green Egg Araucanas is a chicken race whose origin is Chile. It is named after the Mapuche natives of Chile, also called Araucanian (Araucanos in Spanish). It is a chicken species in Turkey, also known as “Green Egg”. When brought to South America, the natives ‘ eggs and their […]

All Information About Andalusian Hens

All Information About Andalusian Chickens – Chicken There is very little historical information about Andalusian chickens. Andalusian chickens were imported to England in 1851. Andalusian, blue feathered ones are internationally recognized and considered to be genuine. In particular, a John Taylor and Fareham from Shepherd’s Bush in West London, known as two developers, has done […]

All Information About Ancona Hens

Ancona takes its name from a city in Italy with its own name. The most distinctive feature of Ancona hens is the Rose comb. The Ancona chickens, sent to England in 1851, were very interested. Ancona chickens have been lost by the arrival of the Rose comb to England, seeing that it has a similar […]

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